“Smart Girls” is an organization that was founded by Amy Poehler and Meredith Walker. They have outlets on all social media, and the organization is a way to provide a healthier alternative to information, topics, and ideas to young people, instead of other things that the internet markets! They greatly emphasize being yourself over ‘fitting in’, as stated in their motto, “change the world by being yourself.” They take suggestions and questions from girls (and boys!) all over the world! They have an online show on their YouTube channel that provides advice and information for young girls. Their community has become very popular, and they have over 1.6 million people with them on social media, across 45 countries! Their organization is fantastic, and I definitely recommend checking them out. They are especially popular on their official website, youtube channel, and instagram (as well as on other social media that is linked on their website)!
I would like to send huge Happy Mothers Day wishes to all mothers, you rule.
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The Army has appointed its first black female two-star general.
Wisconsin native Marcia Anderson was promoted after a military career that spans more than three decades.
And she says she hopes her achievement inspires young service members to become leaders.
Story on NPR
I recently put out the word to my friends for suggestions for this site, and my buddy nominated his wife Emily who wrote for SNL for almost 10 years… And for good reason, please check out her list of accomplishments below, she is on fire;
- Only the 2nd woman in the history of Saturday Night Live to be a Writing Supervisor/Co-Head Writer(2009/10).
- Only the 2nd woman in the history of SNL (after Tina Fey) to ever ‘run a table’, which means managing revisions on rewrite day.
- 1 of only a handful of high profile women comedy writers who did not attend an Ivy League School, but made it anyway. (The only non Ivy Leaguer on her own writing staff at her new show.)
- Sold her very first attempt at a Pilot through to series on NBC. (Even if it crashes and burns, that’s pretty much unheard of.)
Emily is a comedy writer of the highest order, she obviously rules.
That new show on NBC he was talking about?.. That’s out now, it’s called Up All Night, starring Christina Applegate, Will Arnett, and Maya Rudolph.
I was one of the almost 11 million people to watch the teaser and love it, and I want everyone to watch it every week, okay?.. good
Limor Fried is Ladyada of Adafruit Industries.
Limor is a force in the Maker community, she started Adafruit a few years ago and it has grown tremendously. She gets all sorts of press because she is smart, entrepreneurial, and she is blazing new ground for girls everywhere.
She is the driving force behind the Open Kinect project, has been on the cover of Wired Magazine, and has also been called The Most Influential Woman In Technology 2011 from FastCompany
Wired article from 03/11
Wired article from 08/11
Adafruit Industries
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You have to checkout Super Awesome Silvia’s Mini Maker Show, she makes all sorts of cool stuff like model rockets, sidewalk chalk, Arduino electronics, LED toys, and much more.
Visit Super Awesome Silvia’s Channel on YouTube and check out the different episodes on the right side. She also has a page here , where there’s even more stuff.
Episode 1 – Drawdio
Episode 4 – Molding & Casting for Toy Duplication
Episode 7 – Build the MiniPOV
If you don’t know what a Maker is, visit Make Online and school thy self. If you dig it, you should subscribe to Make Magazine and start Making some stuff!